“Lovely Rita, meter maid may I inquire discreetly?
When are you free to take some tea with me?”
~The Beatles, Lovely Rita ~


  1. Noticed yr blog on Moonspinner's lovely site and had to leave a note after reading a few posts! Love its title and images, especially this particular one!
    Hope to be back again soon to take a closer look at earlier posts!
    Take care,

  2. Hello Nora,

    So nice of you to stop by and many thanks for the kind words, as I mentioned on my blog, comments, especially those like yours inspire me. I visited your site also and I must say that I find your site fascinating. I too will return to your site soon (I am at work now) and will read your posts and archives.

    Talk to you soon!

  3. Hi, there! I wanted to stop by and repay your visit. Thank you so much for your comments on my blog. I have enjoyed yours as well, because I enjoy all things English as well, including British comedy!


I love reading your comments, so darling please take a moment and leave a comment for me.
