When you’re feeling sad & blue
And have no clue what to do
Sit down and have a cup of tea
And a hug or two or maybe three
Feel those troubles melt away
And start you on a better day


  1. It's true - I can't properly start the day without a cup of tea (though quite strong Yorkshire tea - must be the caffeine!)
    Lovely post -will be back again soon!

  2. Thank you for visiting Uniquely Tea and for the invitation to stop by your little English cottage. I love your blog! Photographs are just beautiful!

  3. What a beautiful pink tea table setting and nice poem.

    I also like Yorkshire tea and London Cuppa (which I drink every morning).

  4. Rose Tea Cottage is addictive...or we're simply of the same mind. I was an hour late for dinner with a friend the other evening because I couldn't tear myself away. Oh to live in English among civilised souls!


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