Her Grace The Duchess of Tea, has appointed the following blogs and their charming writers as Honorary Nobles of the Most Excellent Order of the Blog Empire.
This insignia is in recognition and appreciation of the bloggers role as followers and daily commentators of Rose Tea Cottage and for having vision, knowledge, charm and humour on their own blogs. Naturally, this recognition is not transferable and is solely intended for the bloggers named herein.
This insignia is in recognition and appreciation of the bloggers role as followers and daily commentators of Rose Tea Cottage and for having vision, knowledge, charm and humour on their own blogs. Naturally, this recognition is not transferable and is solely intended for the bloggers named herein.
I look forward to visiting your honorees!
Again I'm curtseying to you Duchess, as I accept this award ...
Seriously, thank you SO much and I just love the award it's so gorgeous. Will be putting that on my page pronto!
You are such a sweetheart♥ I am very honored & humbled. I adore your blog & will cutting & pasting tomorrow first thing. For some insane reason I am up & it's 2 a.m. working on a post. I get rather obsessive I do think..ha! Thank you dear friend once again. Your faithful follower,
I am honored to accept. Many thanks for your kind words and this spectacular award! Lovely, absolutely lovely!
I am humbled to be deemed worthy of this honor (she says, curtsying demurely). It's possibly the most gorgeous award I've seen, let alone received. It's already posted in a place of honor. Thank you, Your Grace!
Just like Dustjacket, I'm doing a virtual curtsy to you Duchess. The Duke is always reminding that I am his Queen so this only solidifies that I am indeed nobility. ;)
Someone needs to make an award for the best follower ever- that would be you. Bless you Duchess for your kind heart. I will wear this OBE with pride.
I'm sure I left a comment gushing about this wonderful award! ????
Your Grace,
I am humbled by the great honor thou hast bestowed upon me. If I may be so bold, however, I wonder if thous hast a, dare I say, more mannish version of this lovely crown? I fear that if I don this one in public, the hoi polloi might think me an old queen.
I bow to thee, Your Grace, and remain,
Courtier of the Noble Brew
Dear Duchess,
It gives Lola great pleasure to accept your gracious Award which she will be honoured to post next to her own personal insignia.
Lola notes that the insignia is in recognition of bloggers' role as followers of Rose Tea Cottage's exquisite style and content and also having vision, knowledge, charm and humour on their own blogs. Lola also notes she couldn't have put it better herself!
Yours sincerely,
x Nora (PA)
pp xLola
Oh Duchess, I so enjoyed you coming to tea with me. I hope you read down and saw my Pink Saturday post. You lightened my morning, as I have been so sad and stressed worrying about Amy today. I am still awaiting word, as the hosptial got started late this morning. Thank you for sharing tea with me. I too have signed up to follow your blog. I pray you will not be disappointed in mine Duchess. I am curtsying to you. Thank you again dear heart for coming into my life this morning. I so needed a little distraction. Country love and hugs, Sherry
Oh my goodness what a most beautiful and charming award! Thank you so much for granting Tea Time such an honor.:o) Again thank you so very much. Wishing you a beautiful day.
oh my...i am blushing...how sweet are you?!!! Your award is so so lovely... i am honored....it is going up right Now!!!! I so appreciate you my new friend and all the lovely comments you have for me...much love being sent your way ! xoxo
thank you so much for this royal honour! i shall have a tea party in your name this afternoon!
what a very pretty award - we are so thrilled! it will be posted on the sideboard of our blog along with a link to your site.
thank you!!
xox alison & gail
Wow! An Award for me? I am touched.
Oh Thankyou! Im thrilled and honoured to receive this from such a beautiful blog as yours. I curtesy to you Duchess XXXXXX
Oh, THANK YOU, I am honored to recieve your grand award. I love it and truly appreciate it.
Aww, thank you so much! You are so sweet and I love how you make me feel like a tea princess when I visit your site...I will most certainly put it on my site very very soon! Have a wonderful and lovely day!
Dear Sweet Blogger Sisters:
Update on Amy. She has PASSED the test. Yes, she has PASSED the test. The Dr. said her little vessels looked so good and she had such a wonderful blood flow. While the balloon was inflated she showed no signs at all of a stroke. They injected some die at the time the balloon was in there, and she is on her way for a scan of sorts to double check the brain and make sure there is no sign of a stroke. This is more or less a double check. She told Debbie, "No more tests Mom, no more tests." The Dr. said he saw no reason why she should not have the surgery, but would talk with them after this scan. Debbie did get to see Amy on her way to the next test, and she was teary eyed but glad it was over, and Praise God she PASSED. Keep up the prayers as they are so working. God Bless you, Love Sherry
Thank you for visiting my blog.
Finding a kindred spirit is so exciting! I look forward to sharing a cup of tea with you each day!
Kathleen at Set to a Tea
Dear Duchess,
I am commanded by Her Special Loveliness, Damette Lola, to thank you for your kind words and for this coveted award.
xNora (PA)
pp xLOLA:)
Thank you for your visit and comment on my last post. Your blog is just beautiful and I will be visiting again. Have a beautiful day.
Now I can address you all with "Dame". How lovely. You are all welcome my titled loyal friends.
This is such a sweet thing to do. You are truly a lovely person ♥
What a BEAUTIFUL blog!
I felt all girly just looking at it.
My son came in and had a look at what I was smiling at, and he said
"Is that the queens blog?"
Nuff said.
M xx
Welcome back Charli & Me. Did you have a lovely time?
Megs, that is so funny, thanks for stopping by.
I am so honored!!!
Thank you!
Thank you, Duchess, for this lovely honor. I accept, with great pleasure and deep gratitude. (Can you see my curtsy through cyberspace?)
Your Grace, Duchess of Tea, I humbly accept this award.
Thank you so much Duchess....I am so honored that you thought of me and my blog when you were passing out this award. I will be honored to add this beautiful award to my blog.
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