Macaroons for those who never had them are small round cakes made from ground almonds, sandwiched together with flavored ganache. Crispy outside, cream inside!!

Just thinking about them makes my mouth water

Fortunately we don’t have to cross the Channel to enjoy these delightfully mouthwatering sweets

I will take you along with me for tea and macaroons

You are my guest today
Excellent choice the strawberry tarts are delicious as well
Decisions, decisions, decisions, which one to take home?
Lavender or Jasmine Mango or both?
The chicken & walnut sarnies (sandwiches) with basil sauce are simply divine!!
We should take a few home as well!!
Darling, let's have them deliver the food to my cottage so that we can go shopping
I enjoyed our afternoon and had a lovely time
Hope you did too!!
Malheureusement c'est la fin de notre tour
J'espère que vous aviez un beau après-midi
A bientôt chérie
Duchesse de Thé

Lavender or Jasmine Mango or both?

We should take a few home as well!!

Hope you did too!!
Malheureusement c'est la fin de notre tour
J'espère que vous aviez un beau après-midi
A bientôt chérie
Duchesse de Thé
Chicken and walnut sarnies. Love 'em. I could spend two days in Harrods and still not see it all.
OH you are one lucky gal....my life long dream is to go for tea there...my daughter was in Paris this Spring and I asked her to bring me back one of their lovely boxes...she had to eat the macaroons but I got the box in my china cupboard...I would love to come Harrods with you and sip tea and munch on macaroons...the images took me there but made me want to go even more!!!!! Thanks for the invite...we just have doughnuts around Canada..so on my next post I will share some with you!!! tee hee...so not the same. Thanks for all your lovely comments on my blog!!
Thank you for the tour around London. I've never been to London. Sounds so dreamy......
Oh, that was fun! Actually I have been to tea there before, back in the 80s.
I would love to try the macaroons, I've always wondered what they are like.
Enjoyed this post!
Oh Duchess ... wait for me,(could take a while). I'm so envious, wish we had something soo beautiful and yummy here. Great pictures. xxx
I am delighted that all of you had a lovely time. Next I might take you all for a tour of my garden!!
Duchess xx
Merci beaucoup pour le petit tour merveilleux! Je suis toujours en train de manger une tartelette aux fraises formidable!!
J'espère que mes mignardises Ladurée t'ont plu aussi!
A bientôt!
xxx Grosses bises,
ton amie, LOLA:)
Oh My! this post had me drooling!!! I want some macaroons ...
It seems like Paris has an abundance of wonderful tea rooms. Thank you for sharing all these lovely photos. I've never tried one of those pretty macaroons - they sound heavenly. What I call macaroons are mostly baked coconut drops.
I visited London once, many years ago, but never made it to Harrods. A friend brought me one of their catalogs that I enjoyed very much.
What a wonderful blog, I must go there soon you make it sound so magical! Great pics too!
Nora daling you suprise me everyday!! I love your comment, thanks Luv!!
ParTea lady, I will one day give you a tour of Harrods
Sonia, it is so nice to hear from you, long time no comment , no post. How is your project?
Oh, I will have a few of the macarons. Make mine pistaschio, raspberry, and passion fruit please.
The sarnies look good too. I think I had better have a couple of those to go.
I have been to Laduree in Paris and hope to go again in September.
I am so obsessed with macaroons at the moment! What a beautiful post, the sandwiches look particularly yummy as well.
Dust Jacket Attic- Are you in Sydney? If so, try Macaroons from Adriano Zumbo in Balmain (Darling St). A-MAZING!!!! As is everything else in the patisserie.
Bonnie x
Your posts always lift my mood. Just seeing the Harrods logo sends me into shoppers paradise! Thanks for your so kind comments left on my wee blog. Very appreciated. So glad to have found yours :D Deb
Is there anything that doesn't look or taste more delicious in Harrod's? What a lovely afternoon. The macaroons were delicious, as will be the sarnies waiting at the cottage. Thank you!
Ohhhhhh I would love to go to Harrods, it looks lovely. I am British by birth, came to Canada at age 18 but still quite British and I love the tea rooms.
Have you been to Betty's Tea Rooms? I went twice while in Yorkshire last September :)
Hello Lynn, welcome darling. Yes I have been to Betty's, one of my favorite tearooms. ♥
What a beautiful blog you have. And I am know starving!!!
Hello! I'm visiting from The Yellow Rose Arbor.
I would love a macaroon or two, thank you so much!
Lovely post~
I really LOVE this post!!!!! Marvellous, fantastic, delicious... so inspiring, so lovely! I'm dying for visiting London. I really need to do it.
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Rosanna, cosasconencanto.blogspot.com
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