Think outside of the box when it comes to biscuits/cookies too
Serve these utterly adorable biscuits/cookies at your next afternoon tea

Sweet Vintage Shoe Cookies

Cookie Gowns Designed by Talented Stella McCarty

Lace Dress by Vivienne Westwood
Shoes by Jimmy Choo

Cookie Dresses by Christian Dior


  1. Just found your lovely blog...amazingly adorable...oh how i love cookies...these are all so fun..thank you for the lovely images...i am off to check out some of your past posts...see you soon!

  2. Gorgeous cookies, are they by Peggy Porschen?

    p.s. Link away, my dear, I would be honoured - you're more than welcome to pinch my Wee Birdy cupcake pic on the side?

  3. I love the dress cookies, really stlyish .... so is your profile picture. Really nice!xx

  4. You have such a beautiful blog with so much inspirational ideas. And those cookies are like little pieces of art. I couldn't dare take a bite out of one of those!=)

  5. Aren't those cookies gorgeous. My grandson and I saw some this morning at Marshalls that were white daisies with cute little lady bugs on them. Not quite as pretty as these.

  6. Welcome to my cottage Koralee, you too have an amazing blog, gorgeous.

    Top bird, they are not, but they sure look yummy.

    Dustjacketattic, thanks for noticing my new photo, glad you like it. Have you entered my drawing room?

    Anne, thanks for stopping by, I will join Tea & Friendship Tuesday.

    parTea lady, your mugs are gorgeous. I like the one with the tea name labels.

  7. Hello, I'm so glad to meet you. What a beautiful blog you have here. These cookies are simply delightful. I have added my self as a follower to your blog and will add you to my favorites. I look forward to many wonderful visits here ♥ Thank you for wanting to join 'Tea and friendship Tuesday's'.

  8. I love your blog, and I love the look of these cookies! I must see if I can find them- do you happen to have a link of where I might order some? (a a recipe to make them?)

  9. You have an amazing blog. it looks absolutely stunning with brilliant photos and delicious food... Keep it going. you really rock :)


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