Although you are a friend of mine
and comments we exchange
I wouldn't know you on the street
and doesn't that seem strange?

You hold a special place within my life,
your visits full of pleasure and delight
We share ideas and special posts
across these boundless coasts

In my mind I have a picture of you
perhaps you picture me too
An intriguing game for both of us
this guessing game of clues

So for this friendship we possess
we owe this blog a debt,
Perhaps the charm lies in the fact
that we have never met.

Two lovely ladies who enjoy afternoon tea have taken the time to form afternoon tea clubs for all tea lovers of Blogshire. They would like to invite you to join them in posting afternoon tea and/or friendship related articles and photos each Tuesday. Here is your chance to share your lovely tea adornments, a favourite tea or friendship related poem or quote, a delicious recipe or a combination of all of the above.

For More Information, Please contact

Carol of Charli & Me hosting Tea & Friendship Tuesday
Kim of Shabby Pink & Pretty hosting Tea Things Tuesday


  1. It's a pleasure and a delight also for me to sip a good tea in a pretty cup with you, beautiful Lady!
    Happy Tuesday Duchess!
    And thank you so much for your lovely comment!

  2. What a sweet idea! Love the photos too! And the little poem! xxx

  3. What a sweet poem, yes i agree it is funny if we saw each other on the street i wouldnt know it :)
    Thankyou for taking the time to drop by, my interview went well I thought. Next week first round offers are sent out, so i shall keep my fingers crossed!
    As for the exam, that is in 3 weeks time.

    Hope you have a fantastic week.


  4. I love the poem and the idea. Im going to try and think up of a tea post for a tuesday :)
    p.s. i tried your idea of the cardomom in the tea. I just did one pod in my cup, but i crushed it a bit first. i really liked it :) (but as usual most of the flavour is in the last sip :)).

  5. Well you are my afternoon tea, Queen ... Duchess!

    I really love the words, so interesting. The photo's were delectable.

  6. What a sweet poem you posted for your bloggy friends. The pictures you put on your blog are so lovely and cheery. Have a nice day Duchess!

  7. Lovely tea service. Very inviting.


  8. That is such a sweet poem! And I shd invite my self over for tea every evening to your house! Yes yes! I do have a picture of you in my mind...and I would love to be your guest for tea often, as you would make such a lovely host for sure darling!

  9. "...I wouldn't know you on the street
    and doesn't that seem strange?"

    But... You could know me, on the street. I have 2 pics of me, on my 2 blogs. :-)

  10. Such a lovely poem, Duchess :)

    Happy Tuesday!

  11. I am certain I would recognize you if I passed you on the street, your highness... (is that what I call you Duchess???)... I LOVE your posts! Bisous... Julie Marie

  12. Thanks you dear Duchess for your visits. I so love to visit with you. Tea and desserts are always so great. Love the poem. If I sign up to do Tea on Tuesday I would probably forget when Tuesday got here. I will stopping in though.
    Thanks so for the lovely invitation.

  13. Duchess, I love your blog today, so beautiful for tea time. I love what you said its wonderful. We do owe the blog something for bringing so many people together. I love it. Thanks for visiting me the other day, you know you were one of my first followers :0)


  14. Lovely idea!!
    Afternoon tea is adomiration for us.

  15. Good Morning Duchess! What a beautiful tea display you have for us today. I would love to have tea with you.


  16. It's been a few months since I've been to tea. I think it's time!

  17. What a lovely poem.
    I'm thrilled that I am slowly getting to meet up with a few of my bloggy friends. I've met one, Ginger, and am meeting another in April back in Georgia. It really is very fun.
    Wonderful post!

  18. What a fun poem and great idea! Have a fabulous day!

  19. What pretty tea things! The lovely tea cups and cake server. :) Such things make me happy.

    Florrie x

  20. Lovely pics again today Duchess.

    i absolutely adore the poem for your bloggy friends, very apt.

    Hope you've had a delightful Tuesday.

  21. What a lovely poem. It's true that none of us have ever met and yet there is a bond. Thank you for mentioning my blog. I hope you will join my fashion show. Your tea table images are beautiful!
    Happy Tea and friendship Tuesday. I hope your day is blessed in every way.

  22. What a great poem. It is amazing that we may be passing a friend on the street and would never know it.

  23. Such pretty picture's...they leave one with a feeling of warmth and joy.Lovely poem.

  24. Lovely Tea for a Tea Time Post today Duchess and a very sweet lovely poem also.

  25. I love the poem! The pictures are so pretty! Hope you're having a wonderful day,

  26. Sounds like fun...I do love your post today...sweet friendship poem! Happy Tuesday to you my friend!

  27. Dear duchess,lovely poem!!! as always pics are amazing!!!thank u for inviting us for a lovely tea time.I would love to have a tea with u dear!!!
    Love your blog...

    Have a great day.

  28. Duchess, what a lovely post . . . everything is just divine.

    Thanks for the invitation to tea on Tuesdays . . . I'm going to take a peek now!


  29. The poem was wonderful. Beautiful tea setting!

  30. Such pretty pics and poetry. Keep up the good work.

  31. What a lovely idea, ever so lovely pics, Have a sweet day! x

  32. What a lovely post today. All those scrumptious treats displayed so beautifully. Makes me hungry just looking at the pictures...

    If you have any really good scone receipes, I'd love it if you would share them with me. I'm always looking for new receipes to try. Thanks a bunch!!

    Have a great week.


  33. Beautiful, Duchess! Love your poem and the lovely tea I enjoy visiting you for a sweet cup of tea in one of your beautiful china cups! I agree, its amazing that we have such friends that we've never met. I think it proves one thing...that we are bonded by life itself...we don't have many differences, but many similarities because we are women, and were created to communicate, to decorate, and to relate, and blogging is the perfect avenue for expressing ourselves. I so love finding other lovers, but I also love my blogging friends for the variety and new interests that they bring my way. This was a great post...really touched me.

    God bless you, Duchess,

  34. Hi pretty Duchess!! ♥
    Happy Tea Things Tuesday!! Did you sign up for my giveaway?? If not drop in and join the fun!!
    ♥ Rebecca

  35. Hello, Duchess,
    Thank you for that charming poem. Even though we have never met, I believe all of us ladies are sisters of the heart. Hope you have a lovely evening. Sending happy thoughts your way!! Vicki

  36. Very lovely poem! Hope your week is off to a great start Duchess. :)

  37. Lovely idea! It's always so SWEET to come here and see what you are up to.

  38. i would love to have a cup of tea with everyone,its a pleasure to know you my friend , i love the photos you have posted today they are so pretty hugs ..cilla

  39. Hello, you have a wonderful and lovely and charming and, and.. blog. It´s a feast to the eyes.
    Must follow you
    Cariños from Chile, southamerica
    María Cecilia

  40. Duchess, you certainly know how to put on a spread! I would so love to sit down and enjoy all those scrumptious goodies. I absolutely adore your fabulous pink photos in the previous post, too. :)

  41. Delicious cookies, great poem!!!

  42. So very lovely!! I will join you for tea again in about two weeks. I'm off to Vietnam on Saturday to organise more lovely goodies for my little shops! See you on my return!
    Warmest regards, Karen

  43. Oh, what fun if I can just rememer to do it. Lovely poem btw.

  44. I feel slightly superfluous here at the bottom of the list, but love the sentiment of the verse - especially the intrigue and the clues!

    Pomona x

  45. What a lovely tea setting and poem. It is true we have not met but have become friends. I have enjoyed your visits to my blog and your kind comments. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  46. What a lovely tea setting - so pretty. I love the florals with the green glass plates. The scones look perfectly delicious.

  47. Thank you sooooo much for your love the other day. You are a little belter !! xx

    I had chi tea with you today and it was smashing ta xxx

  48. I agree with you, great friendships have been made and without having met or knowing each other that well. I like that.
    It is funny that we could walk past a fellow blogger and not know who they are.
    Really enjoyed your previous post!
    Isabelle x

  49. My a lovely idea Duchess! your poem and pictures are charming indeed.
    I have just re launched my new blog and boutique , stop over I am doing a $50 giveaway in the boutique

  50. So delightfully hungry now!


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