Last week I told you about Tea & Friendship Tuesday hosted by Carol from Charli & Me. This is a fun post that can be filled with lovely afternoon tea and/or friendship related items. Here is your chance to share your lovely tea adornments, a favourite tea or friendship related poem or quote, a delicious recipe or a combination of all of the above.

This week I am happy to report that I have joined yet another tea group. Tea Things Tuesday is hosted by Kim from Shabby Pink & Pretty. Kim and her tea loving ladies enjoy sharing tea related photos, poems, recipes and much much more.

If you would like to join us, please contact Carol here and Kim here.

"Come, little cottage girl, you seem
to want my cup of tea;
and will you take a little cream?
Now tell the truth to me."

She had a rustic, woodland grin,
Her cheek was soft as silk,
And she replied, "Sir, please put in
A little drop of milk."

These lovely roses are for you my friend.
Love, Hugs & Tea


  1. Lovely story! Have a great Tuesday my dearest Duchess!
    I would be very delighted if you'd enter my humble giveaway!

  2. Love and hugs to you too darling. I just love the pictures and words, delightful.

  3. Darling, what positively scrumptious treats you're serving today! And the poem is lovely!

    Tea Things Tuesday? What a marvelous meme! I might alternate it with Tombstone Tuesdays.

    Have a great day!

  4. Hello love,
    your blog is lovely!!
    real nice to see your appreciation of my fine land. And i'm sure my nana has a tea set like that ..ayh 'tis grand love.
    and remember if in doubt...brew up our kid !! xx

  5. You always have such beautiful posts! Your pictures are lovely and the words to accompany them are just as lovely.
    You have such a beautiful spirit, thanks for sharing it with us!
    All the best,

  6. Very pretty. Charming little story!

  7. Have a wonderful day Duchess. Your post is great as usual. Love the pictures.

  8. Sounds like fun...I will have to check this out because as you know I am a tea lover through and through! Lovely images today! I really could use that tea mug!

  9. Very nice pictures dear...sounds Great..

  10. Duchess, thank you for sharing your wonderful tea story. I will try a cup of tea with you.

    Thank you for the tea, sorry it was a short tea visit, but now I have to retire to the study and do some home work. It was a wonderful break from the hectic life. I hope today is finding you well with your tea. I hope you didn't over due it on the cleaning :0)

    Rest now dear.


  11. How sweet is your poem, and deliciously serene your tea setting, adorned with a bowl of roses! I would love to share tea and scones with you, Duchess!
    Have a gloriou day, filled with sunshine and promise.

  12. Sweet and lovely poem duchess,Pics are amazing...Thanks for sharing..

  13. Now that the weather is getting colder I'm drinking tea again. It is my favorite cold weather drink!

  14. Lovely!
    I think Angelina's may be on the list for hot chocolate! Yummm! Then there is always Laduree.

  15. HI!!!!!
    So many tea groups and so many more out there!!! Never a member to 2 many!!!! The more the merrier!!!!
    I love iced tea though!!! Is that ok???
    Hugs to you my dear!!!\

  16. Thank you for the roses, Dear Duchess. I truly enjoyed the delights for our eyes to see.... oh how I wish I could reach through this computer screen for a little nibble.

    Have a wonderful day.


  17. Can I have a cup of tea?
    For little old me, me, me...
    not too much or I'll need a wee!

    sorry, poor I know, but it was a rush job!

  18. Good afternoon dear friend, The poem is lovely. I almost posted it today on my blog. Thank you so much for partisipating in Tea and friendship Tuesday's. Your pictures are beautiful as always. I hope you are having a great week.

  19. What a charming post you've shared with us today my dear Duchess. I'm thrilled that you've joined our little "Tea Things Tuesday" group. Your blog is wonderful for someone like me who loves all things related to tea and who also has a great interest in the British royal family and I just know I'm going to enjoy visiting you over and over again.


  20. How lovely Duchess... that teacup is my very favorite... Bisous... Julie Marie

  21. PLs collect ur award from my blog ...

  22. Duchess darling, yes send all my way for cheering up, however your blog is wonderful for cheering up also. I love to come here and visit. I hope my blog does give your friend some comfort. Take care sweety.


  23. Hope you had a beatiful tuesday dear friend xxx

    Lots of Love

    Kelly xxxxx

  24. Thank you for the roses Duchess, here are some for you as well! I left you a gift at my blog, I hope you had a lovely love weekend! XO!

  25. Oh guess what ... Kitten's back. It's quite scary really but blogger deleted her from us all and all her posts. Her posts are back now but we are not. So I just rejoined.

    Happy happy,

  26. Your pictures are always delightful Duchess!

    Have a beautiful day! :)

  27. Love the sweet poem. And thank you Duchess for the flower.

  28. I just came across this Blog and it's so wonderful.

  29. Mmmm... look at all those yummy tea goodies. Such a pretty set up.
    p.s. loved your cardamom tea idea, I will ahve to give that a try!

  30. I've enjoyed the lovely photos and the poem - I had only heard the first verse before. It sounds like you have a great time with these tea groups and you certainly have a lot of beautiful thing to share with them.

  31. While visiting Mimi,I happend to see your lovely name and comment's, and thought I'd have a peek at your...I am so glad I did...what a lovely place to be, here at your blog.I will come again,and follow I shall.


I love reading your comments, so darling please take a moment and leave a comment for me.
