Have a lovely weekend


  1. Hello Darling Duchess. I hope you have the most amazing weekend too ! Thank goodness for the weekend !!

  2. You too daaaaaaaahling, have a wonderful weekend. May it be filled with lots of sweet things. *kisses* HH

  3. Dear Duchess,
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend too! Hoping all has been well with you :-)

  4. You too dear, have a wonderful and fabulous weekend :)

  5. Hi,duchess darling!
    pretty ginger boy!
    have a fantastic weekend!!

  6. Hi Duchess, wish you a bright and warmer weekend! The X'mas cookies are just too lovely to eat!

  7. Bravissima! Sono una favola i tuoi biscotti! Complimenti!
    Un abbraccio Arianna

  8. Hello Duchess... I have missed you... I was so happy to see you stopped by today... hope all is well... have a lovely weekend... Bisous... Julie Marie

  9. The Christmas cookies are just adorable. Wishing you a great weekend also. Madeline

  10. Have a lovely weekend also. May it be full of wonderful cookies and tea.

  11. OH my!!! How yummy!!!! Everything looks so pretty, as usual! Have a wonderful, blessed weekend my dear!

  12. I rather like the look of those biscuits!

    Pomona x

  13. Dear Duchess, I am so pleased that you are now feeling so much better and that your dear daddy is well on his way to recovery.

    All of the cookies that you have shown are so beautiful. I love the pale blue and white ones, so pretty, Maureen...

  14. Hello Darling Duchess...
    You must not be feeling well, you are still in your red plaid jammies, or am I late to tea and having a midnight snack?

    I loved the cocoa, marshmallows so delightful, and I also loved my gingerbread cookie.

    You are always the hostess with the mostess.

    I have missed your blogs. I am always happy to see you out and about. Please take care.

    Merry Christmas sweetie. Country hugs and much love, Sherry

  15. "Have a lovely weekend"

    You too!

    You too!

    You too!

    Gentle hugs,
    Aunt Amelia

  16. Dear Duchess,
    Wishing you a wonderful & great weekend too.:)Everything looks amazing as usual.

  17. Bonjour Duchess! A lovely weekend to you too! Hope you and your family are doing well - especially your father!

  18. I have missed you Duchess, I will be catching up on your posts today. Hope you are having a beautiful December.

  19. Hello Duchess,
    Such pretty holiday pictures! I hope you're having a lovely holiday season.

  20. I like this!! Very nice all the things you show here.


  21. Dear Duchess,
    Luv the pink!
    The cookies have got to be wonderful.
    May you have a Merry Christmas,

  22. Duchess dear, i'll love to have that cup of warm drink with the skewered marshmallows! blessed sunday!

  23. Dearest Duchess,

    I love your wonderful and warm Christmas-sy pics!! The gingerbread cookies and marshmallows look delicious:)

    Have a beautiful Sunday!


  24. Dearest Duchess, So glad to have found your very beautiful blog, it is a haven to escape to...

  25. ^-^ Dear Duchess...your Blog is so beautiful!!!
    Thank for your comment...I love your cookies ^-^!!!

  26. I can never get enough of these sugar coated cookies, whether its eating or just looking at them.

  27. Ooooooh! Love the pretty Christmas reds! What a lovely post!

  28. I did so enjoy my visit this morning...such loveliness and yumminess!

  29. Hope you had a lovely weekend too dear friend!!!
    I have missed you while I was away xxx

    First stop Rose Tea Cottage to viist the Queen :) Well Duchess but the queen to me :)

  30. More lovely pictures from your darling Duchess.

    Hope your weekend was a good one.

  31. Hope you had a fabulous weekend Duchess and your weekend ahead is equally as fabulous

    Victoria xx

  32. Dear Duchess,

    I love the Gingerbread Men and all the beautiful photos you have shared.

    I wish many blessings for you during the holiday Season.


  33. I have much catching up to do Duchess, I have missed you & just a brief stop bye put a smile on my face. Such lovely, lovely photos. I can't wait to put on my p.j.'s and grab a mug of cocoa. Hope & yours are doing well my dear friend. Hugs to you xoxo

  34. Hello, my sweet and kind friend,
    I am hoping your weekend has been a happy one, too. I am wishing you and your family an enchanting holiday season. Much love and blessings to you! Vicki

  35. Hey! Thanks for dropping by with such cheery words! I do completely agree with you - I remember my first big break-up and thinking it was the end of the world and then a year later sitting on a beach by the amazon thinking 'look where I am this time a year later!'. It is good to remember this! Still, right now it is early days and I'm still suffering from the shock that it has actually happened. I never thought it would! I thought we'd work our way through it all...but maybe it is for the best...just feel lonely and awful now...small steps at a time...I'll get to that 'beach' or some place good in the future eventually... xxx

  36. Hello my dearest Duchess..I'm sorry, I couldn't visit you on the weekend, but luckily I'm on time to wish you a fabulous week! :)

  37. Dear Duchess, you always know how to serve the best cookies, not mention Christmas cookies!!! Hoping that your beautiful Christmas Season is filled with magic and joy and love!:-)))

  38. Glad to see that you're up and at 'em!

  39. Oh my, what lovely pinks! I'd have a hard time eating any of them though . . . they're much too pretty!

    Hope you had a blessed weekend and that everything is going well.


  40. Thanks darling for your visit on RECOMADRES. We love your blog too. A sweet piece of imagination

  41. Duchess,

    I sure hope your weekend went well.

    I am so glad you had a chance to stop by and visit me, life throws us curves at times, and we have to make time to do whatever needs to be done, and whatever is going on with you in your personal life your true blogging friends will be here for you when it's over. I am here I have never forgot about ya.

    I hope the holidays are wonderful for you.

    Have a blessed week sweety.


    (¸.•´ (¸.+´??¸.+´
    (¸.•´ (¸.+´? Heidi ?)

  42. Hello dear Duchess, I also love coming to your blog, there`s ALWAYS wonderful images to love and enjoy and die for!!!!!
    Regarding my roses I plant them in a sunny place, add compost of my own, 1 or 2 times a year add some roses nutrient in pots and soil, prune them everytime a rose dries and do one drastic prune in the end of autumn or starting winter, and almost never use any quimic for infections, except when one plant is very damaged, most of the times they heel themselves...ah! I also talk to them and thank them for their fruits... I also caress them... and, that`s it I think... is really very easy!!
    Lots of hugs to you

  43. Hello dear Duchess, I also love coming to your blog, there`s ALWAYS wonderful images to love and enjoy and die for!!!!!
    Regarding my roses I plant them in a sunny place, add compost of my own, 1 or 2 times a year add some roses nutrient in pots and soil, prune them everytime a rose dries and do one drastic prune in the end of autumn or starting winter, and almost never use any quimic for infections, except when one plant is very damaged, most of the times they heel themselves...ah! I also talk to them and thank them for their fruits... I also caress them... and, that`s it I think... is really very easy!!
    Lots of hugs to you

  44. I did have a lovely weekend, thank u Duchess! And I love dropping by your blog to see what new prettiness you adorn your site with ... keeps me smiling :)

  45. hello duchess!

    happy december to you! i have been behind in my blog visits but so happy to pop over and see your festive post.

    i hope all is well!


  46. Hope you have a lovely pink week. Enjoy your Tea:)

    How is your Dad?

  47. I hope you had a lovely weekend and are enjoying the holiday season! Thanks so much for your sweet comment, you are a darling friend too Duchess!

  48. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead :)

  49. Oh Hello my darling Duchess. I just adore your splash of red, so festive and fun.

    Have a wonderful week,
    xoxo DJ

  50. Que fotos tan bonitas!! me encantan, no pararía de mirarlas...sabes que tengo un pijama igual que el tuyo? a cuadros y rosa pasión :) un beso

  51. Morning, Dear Duchess and thank you for the cookie! Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy this precious Christmas Season.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  52. Thanks for the cheerful cookie photos. I love red and white. Hope you have a great week.

  53. Dear Dad of Duchess!otherwise known as DOD which is a very Royal accronym a bit like HRH

    Lovely to hear from you here down the Lane, we send you lots of Festive Greetings back and can see from the divine Duchesses latest post your needs are being well catered for! Iced Christmas biscuits, yum-yum!

    love Sarah x

  54. Just wanted to pop over and check on you and your family are doing.

  55. HOla!! que suerte haberte encontrado, tienes un blog precioso y su contenido espectacular. Un beso.

  56. Hello angel darling Duchess. I never cease to be transported to an ethereal and charming state of wonderment wnenever I visit!..,Thank you so much for all you have so kindly done to encourage me and countless others with you lovely and kind words!..,

    Hugs and blessings from your artist friend, Wanda Lee.

  57. Your Grace--you are not only charming but greatly talented! Your cookies look scrumptious, and I especially love the red cookies with the red pajamas.
    I remain,
    Your humble Knight of the Order of Tea

  58. You have the most amazing pictures! And these last posts have all been so festive!
    I so loved all the pink!
    And your last post of the blue!
    And this pretty rosy red!
    Thank you!

    I hope things are going well.
    All the best to you,

  59. What a beautiful blog! Love your sentiment, and wonderful pictures.

  60. Hello sweeeetie Duchess,
    So sorry for my late visit been busy with the guest and life:) Was glad to hear your father is fine. Precious to celebrate Christmas with your beloved family! Isn't it fun to decorate your beuatiful house? i'm busy with mine too:)

    Have a loving week!

  61. My Dear Duchess!
    Just briefly stopping by with my very best wishes for Xmas and the New Year! Can’t tell you how much I’ve missed you & your terrific posts since my last visit - but hope to see you very soon back at my place where I’ve just posted my latest Christmas Lola Lifeline! All the best & see you again soon!

    xxxLOL LOLA:)

  62. Oh how yummy and pretty too!

  63. Dear Duchess, I wish you and your family a very happy christmas time, and may next year brings much happiness, joy, good health, tons of love and blessings to you all.
    I´m so grateful to have met you and your so, so beautiful blog, you are a source of great inspiration to many hungry for beautiful images, specilly to me.
    One of the best things that happen to my this year was starting blogging and out of it, meeting you.
    Lots of love to you,
    María Cecilia

  64. Delightfully cheerful!!!! ♥♥♥

  65. Dear Duchess, I am just stopping by to say "Hello" and to wish you the most wonderful pre Christmas weekend :-).

  66. Dear Lovely Duchess!

    This post could not have been cheerier, cozier, more welcoming! Like you!

    all the best


  67. The cookies are works of art!

  68. As always, your blog is a visual delight. I think that I can taste the cookies.

  69. I love this post Duchess. Final weekend of shopping before Christmas and we have over a foot of snow outside. Santa's got his work cut out for him!

  70. Hello dear Duchess,
    thanks for your kind words, they mean a lot to me.
    These cookies are sooo pretty!
    Wish you a very merry Christmas!

  71. Oooh Christmas cookies.
    Much lovely inspiration for my baking in the next few days!

    Florrie x


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