Daffy~Down~Dilly has come to town
In a yellow petticoat and a green gown

Happy Monday My Darlings


  1. Happy Monday, to you too, dear Duchess. Daffodils should be spelt 'spring' lol.


  2. Good Morning! Happy Daffy Day to you too!
    sooo adorable!
    Blessings for the day ~ Maria

  3. Oooooh - sunny yellow! So lovely. I'm in a sunshine mood now too!
    Have a super week dear Duchess :-)

  4. Morning Duchess, what a lovely way to begin this cloudy day.

    Hetty xoxo

  5. Ah a happy monday it has been...a day off of course is always nice :)
    Hope you have a wonderful week Duchess.


  6. Sunny,sunny,lovely day for you, sweet,dear Duchess!-)*

    These color of the Sun maked all of us maybe a little bit more happier and spread a radiantly joyful smile between you friend from the Blogland world!!!

    I Love spring and flowers extrimely much!!!-)))*

    Blessed days and heartwarmly hugsfor you,my dearest Duchess!


  7. I hope you are feeling better. I get migraines too, almost every month unfortunately. That was one of the reasons I was away for blogging for 3 weeks recently. I never used to get them but since being in my 40's I keep getting them. They stop you doing anything for days. Most inconvenient! Your photos are very uplifting as ever.
    Warm wishes
    Isabelle x

  8. Dear Duchess
    you brightened up my day with such gorgeous blooms, thank you!
    Have a sweet monday
    xx Flaviana

  9. Good morning Duchess, what a beautiful way to greet the beginning of the week. Happy Monday to you. Ros x

  10. Happy Monday Sweetie...
    Oh Duchess I had forgotten this poem until you tweaked my brain this morning. How beautiful it is.

    I love your beautiful flowers that you have shared with me this morning. They scream "SPRING" for sure. How very sweet of you. I adore yellow as it reminds me of the beautiful sunshine here in the valley. We are in the 80s again. Yesterday was 82, today we are expecting another hot one. I love it. One of the reasons we live here in the desert. I do not like the cold.

    Have a beautiful Monday sweetie. Thank you again for sharing. Country hugs sweetie and so much love, Sherry

  11. Hello there dearest Duchess,

    Why it seem these days as if I merely, 'blink my eye twice' the time has flown by so quickly!..,It seems that just only 'yesterday' that I had visited your blog and since that time you have posted so many lovelies!

    What beautiful prose and poetry in your last posts my dear!

    Dear mother has written many a lovely poem; I should post them sometime soon! Poor dear, she is much pain with a severe case of the 'shingles'!..,

    She just started medication with antiviral pills and should soon be on the mend !..,

    ..,She has been quarenteened for a few days;( and since I have suffered from Anemia, which is thankfully improving, the doctor thought it best, whereas I had had the same thing last year, almost this time of year, to stay apart for awhile)..,

    ~ I told her nonetheless, I will bring her hot chocolate tomorrow and something everyday, to pass to her at the outer door of her apartment; she was in tears today when we dropped some bread off to her poor sweetest lady, as she said she was so lonely!..,

    That is why I decided to go by anyway,daily, despite doctors orders; I shall take precautions by sitting far across the room in the foyer, adjacent to her.

    I do apologize for the length of this note yet I mention all of this dear Duchess, because we are planning a Spring tea to cheer and lift our spirits, at each of our respective homes, (as her health improves).~ That always cheers, as does your radiantly lovely blog daahling!

    Thanks so much for visitng my blogs
    lately dearest Duchess!..,

    Cheers from Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen

  12. Hi Duchess,
    Beautiful flowers. Love the yellow and blue combination.
    Have a lovely day,

  13. Sweet greetings Duchess from Frog Hollow Farm. Just adorable, that little ditty! Hope all is well in your world! Ciao, bella!

  14. You just reminded me to peek outside and see if my daffodils are blooming yet. Okay, I'm back! They are! (well, just a few so far.) I think this little batch is, at least, two weeks ahead of everyone else in the town.

    In our new/old farmhouse, we had a lovely stone wall with huge clumps of daffodils. Last fall, we had to dig it up and I was only able to find a few of the bulbs. This year, in the mounds of dirt, they're coming up. Hooray!!! There are even some bulbs that we didn't even see last year that are lying on top of the piles and still blooming. I think that they must have been uncovered by the rain. I am so glad that we can save some more!

    I will tell you a secret. After Easter, Mr. Tom is going to rebuild the stone wall and I get to plant a lovely English country garden in Vermont! Happiness!

    Love, Katy Noelle xo

  15. Thank you Duchess, Happy Monday to you too.

    Hugs RosieP x

  16. Love love your sweet words on this gorgeous picture!! Have a sunshine-filled Daffy-Down-Dilly week, Darling Duchess. xoxo

  17. Isn't it so wonderful to see the daffodils coming up! I love being reminded that sunshine "might" be on its way :D
    *kisses* HH

  18. Thank you Duchess for a touch of cheer on this gloomy Monday!~

  19. Happy happy monday sweet friend...rain rain rain here today...hope the sun is shining in your part of the world. xoxo Oh I love daffy dillies. xoxox

  20. Good Morning! (still morning on my side of the pond) I simply adore Daffs....and tulips! I hope your week is splendid...

  21. You have cheered me up on a dull and rainy day with those gorgeous photos. I love spring flowers. They look so pretty when they are all together in a vase but getting them to all come out together in the garden is a little more difficult.
    Susie X

  22. This is such a sweet rhyme and very dear to me. I played "Daffy Down Dilly" in my kindergarten production when I was 5. My first acting job of many more to come!

    Have a wonderful Monday, Duchess!


  23. Dear Dutchess,

    What a sweet little poem and photographs!

    Happy monday!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  24. Morning Duchess,
    Beautiful daffodils, and I remember
    reading that nursery rhyme in a Mother Goose book as a kid.
    Hope you have a Sunny Monday as sunny as those flowers!
    It is rainy here, but hoping it will clear up soon, so we can go out and have some fun!
    Have a great day hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  25. Happy Monday to you too! My favorite flower, daffodils just make me smile.

  26. And Happy Monday to you, dear Duchess. I come to afternoon tea with flowers in hand ... can you see the lovely pink roses? ... I don't want to spoil afternoon tea with life's challenges, but challenges met, I'm delighted to see your bright, cheerful welcom. And, thank you for your previous beautiful posts ... You truly bring sunshine!

  27. Hello dear Duchess, Happy Monday to you too, the flowers are beautiful! Thank you.

  28. Hi! I gave you 2 awards (on blog post on 3/29) so feel free to stop by and pick them up! it's because you are so wonderful Duchess dear! *kisses*

  29. Happy Monday Duchess!

    Have a fabulous week,

    Victoria xx

  30. your posts are always so inspiring...what lovely flowers!
    xoxo alison

  31. Bright yellow daffodils! I love them!!
    Happy Spring!
    Hugs, Lisa

  32. So pretty, Duchess! Love daffodils; they just say Spring so beautifully! Hope you will stop by for tea tomorrow, my dear. Have a beautiful Easter week.


  33. Dear Duchess, such a joyful, hopeful flower. I love them! I do love yellow so much! Enjoy your week, and thank you for your kind comments. xx

  34. Dear Duchess,

    This is absolutely beautiful. I just posted photos of a yellow dress, wish I could have included these gorgeous daffodils in my photos. :) I hope you are having a lovely week!


  35. Dear Duchess, thank you so very much for the lovely comment you have left for me. :-) I would like to invite you to be a part of my beautiful March giveaway. I think you would love the prizes!Wishing you wonderful week ahead!:-)

  36. Duchess I remember this little verse from my younger days, thank you for reminding me of it. Fab week to you.


  37. I am sorry I haven't been by in a while....but I did some back reading of your posts...and now I'm all caught up!

    in a nut shell, a very tasty and nutricious nut shell!.....
    everything you do is blissfully peaceful! the photos, the music, love coming by here darling!!!!!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  38. lovely spring flowers! so sunny! fliss xx

  39. Hi there...thanks so much for the visit and kind words, I really appreciate it! Your blog is beyond beautiful and the header..it looks just like my grandma's house and fence when I was a little girl! Have a great week and come say hi any time :D

  40. Ola amiga! Estive passando quando avistei teu espaço, invadi, gostei e não resisti em dizer que o mesmo é muito bonito e muito bem ilustrado. Parabéns!

    Beijos e ótima semana pra ti e para os teus.


  41. How beautiful Duchess, I hope you are having a wonderful week!

  42. Spring has certainly descended
    upon Rose Tea Cottage. Your blog is full of spring colors and happiness. Duchess you are one of a kind. ~~ Laura

  43. Sorry Duchess for the double posting. I tried to delete it but it doesn't work. Blogland problem I presume. !! Laura

  44. Dear Duchess

    Oh, what a wonderful blog you have...it is such an inspiration! I just love tea...I drink about 5 to 6 cups of tea a day....hot tea...I live in the USA and that is why I say "hot tea" because here they drink "iced tea". I guess I love hot tea because I was born and lived in South Africa for 38 years. I am planted here in the USA and here is where I bloom.....

    I love England...the country side, the tea cups, the queen and everything royal...I am a total romantic and love all Jane Austen's books and movies. I love the pubs in winter with a hot meal by the fire side....

    We have a lot in common and therefore I will surely visit you again!


  45. a happy easter week to you dear duchess xxx

    your daffodils made me smile :o)

    warm hugs


  46. Hope your weekend was a sunny as your sweet post Duchess! There is warmth and sunshine on this side of the world! Was the sweet child related to you in your last post?

  47. Duchess sorry for not visiting you lately. Your blog is the most beautiful blog in all blogs still. I love to just sit down and look at your pictures, listen to your music and read the nice writing. You are an elegant lady my friend.

    Lady A

  48. nice flover Duchess you peeck urself? good day


  49. Happy Tuesday Duchess. I know I am late by a day. So sorry. Those daffodils should be the "signature" Spring flower. Beautiful way to start the week.
    Do take care my charming friend.

  50. I am so behind that it is Tuesday before I arrive here to read your Monday post. But it brightens by dat nonetheless. I thought of you today as I did my post on Ladurée. I hope you are having a beautiful week.


  51. Thank you for visitng dear duchess; these pictures are most lovely as usual! (I got you message and will do as per your request tomorrow)..,

    I think you may just enjoy both of my whimsical tea parties this week..,

    Have a marvelous Easter darling Duchess.

    Cheers from Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen

  52. Good Morning dear Duchess, I have left an award for you on my blog, it's for always being bright and uplifting!

  53. Duchess,
    I wish you and your family all the blessings of the Easter season

  54. Hello Duchess, I'm sorry I've become such a bad bloggy friend lately..I just wanted to wish you and your family a very happy Easter! xxxx

  55. Good day! Hope you are well and enjoying gorgeous Spring moments! Love coming to tea and these flowers and the treats below are delightful! My son wants me to make lemon bites now so off to the market! Blessings and light dear one.

  56. and Happy Easter Darling Duchess !!

  57. Dear Duchess,

    Happy Spring and love the pretty daffodils you have shared.

    Have a wonderful Easter Weekend

  58. Hello Duchess, how are you doing. Sorry i have been away from my blog for quite a while but am back now.Hope you have a great Easter hols. I still check your blog and i love going through it.

  59. Thanks dear! I send you great calm and sweet moments for your day! Thanks for visiting! You are such a bright spot friend. It was so nice of Bella to think of me in this way. Could never pick seven fave blogs, so I just chose some interesting artists that people may not know about. Gifts then go to everyone, right? Love to you and yours and blessings too.

  60. Hello Duchess,

    thank you for stopping by my blog, and for the sweet comments. Hope you and your family have a blessed Easter too! I would love a piece of that pretty yellow and lavendar cake! So pretty!


  61. How lovely the cupcakes, cake, and cookies are! The flowers are a breathe of Spring! I do hope you have a lovely Easter! Thanks for stopping by for a visit!

  62. Every single image on your blog is De-Lovely. Oh my happy place!


I love reading your comments, so darling please take a moment and leave a comment for me.
